Last Starfighter 25th Anniversary Screening / Credits: ---, Andy Davidson, Mary Ann Morris, Michelle Feraud, Emilt Nagle, Gordon Garb, David Ruhoff, Water Gish, Larry Yaeger, Peggy Baker, etc.

Mar 27, 2009

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---(Missed the shot,,,Many others like Brad de Graf, Malcom McMillan, Philip Chen)---
Andy Davidson, Mary Ann Morris, Michelle Feraud, Emilt Nagle, Gordon Garb, David Ruhoff,
Water Gish, Larry Yaeger, Peggy Baker, etc,
Here is the link to imdb credit list.
The copy for Visual Effect List is duplicated here:

Visual Effects by
Peggy Baker .... digital post-production coordinator: Digital Productions
Fred Bradford .... software developer: Digital Productions
Allison Brooks .... digital editorial: Digital Productions
Michael Busch .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Philip Chen .... software developer: Digital Productions
Andy Davidson .... software developer: Digital Productions
Brad deGraf .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Gary Demos .... technical executive: Digital Productions
Ken Dozier .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Tom Earnist .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Michelle Feraud .... software developer: Digital Productions
Kathleen Fisken .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Noah Gans .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Gordon Garb .... software developer: Digital Productions
Walter Gish .... software developer: Digital Productions
Jack Green .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Erin Rae Hoffer .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Brad Hunt .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Paul Isaacs .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Bob Kensinger .... digital editorial: Digital Productions
Michael Kory .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Shelley Lake .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Beth Leitner .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Larry Luther .... software developer: Digital Productions
Stephanie Mardesich .... assistant to production executive: Digital Productions
Sherry McKenna .... production executive: Digital Productions
Malcolm McMillan .... software developer: Digital Productions
Mary Ann Morris .... software developer: Digital Productions
Ron Moszkowski .... technical manager: Digital Productions
Emily Nagle .... software developer: Digital Productions
Jeffrey A. Okun .... visual effects coordinator
Kevin Rafferty .... senior drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
David Ruhoff .... software developer: Digital Productions
Jim Rygiel .... senior technical mananger: Digital Productions
Stephen Skinner .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Donald Smith .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Claudia Sumner .... visual effects supervisor: Digital Productions
John Tilton .... drafter/encoder: Digital Productions
Larry Yaeger .... software developer: Digital Productions
Roger Dorney .... optical supervisor (uncredited)
Christopher Dusendschon .... Vistavision scan plate cinematography: Kenimation/Digital Productions (uncredited)
Rexford L. Metz .... visual effects director of photography (uncredited)
Dennis Michelson .... visual effects: Digital Productions (uncredited)
Michael Douglas Middleton .... visual effects still photographer (uncredited)
John Scheele .... visual effects consultant (uncredited)