Introducory nonsense
Lady G meets Dunnegan.
Lady G frees a bear.
Lady G adopts a sailor.
Lady G shoots a careless arrow.
Nikki's pesky pets.
Menshkins cope with Lady G's cat.
Moishe pretends to be a ballet dancemaster.
Moishe's dance academy
Moishe demonstrates his dream consulting technique.
The King visits Leofric and Lady G.
A hike in hawk country
Krishnamurphy lectures on violence.
Leofric challenges Lady G to ride raw.
Lady G's Heroic Ride
Lady G & Moishe first meet after her ride.
Moishe crosses fishhooks with Lady G.
Moishe & Dunnegan advise Lady G. on her love life.
Moishe & Dunnegan get a sour soaking.
Anthropologist studies Giants.
Krishnamurphy upgrades Squire Suxronald's mantra.
Cartwheeling Lady G is sued for "squash & battery."
Moishe & Dunnegan tease Lady G.
Moishe is knighted by Lady G.